St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

Walking in Theresa's Little Way

Catch Up Grant (CUG) 

His Majesty’s Government have allocated resources to every school to allow them to provide catch-up programmes for those pupils who have been affected the worst by the Covid-19 pandemic.  The school’s plan for how to use this specific funding has been influenced by our studying of advice given by the Education Endowment Fund (EEF).  The guidance from the EEF is published here:

Education Endowment Fund Guidance

The EEF recommends that schools should focus on the following areas for the use of the CUG. The EEF advises the following:

Teaching and whole school strategies

  • Supporting great teaching
  • Pupil assessment and feedback
  • Transition support

Targeted approaches

  • One to one and small group tuition
  • Intervention programmes
  • Extended school time

Wider strategies

  • Supporting parent and carers
  • Access to technology
  • Summer support

It is within the spirit of the EEF guidance that the Governors are happy to present their plan for the use of the Catch-Up Grant.  The overriding principle has been to ensure that those who need the most support get it and also there is support for the wider community as well especially to support those affected by school closures and lockdowns:

Covid Catch-Up Premium Plan St T’s Reviewed March 2021

Catch Up Grant Review November 2021

If anyone has any questions about how the Catch-Up Grant has been allocated or how it has been apportioned for this year then they should direct their enquiries to the head on: