Welcome to our Nursery page!
The Nursery at St. Theresa’s is seen very much as a partnership between home and school. We hope that your child will be happy, make friends and learn to do lots of new and exciting things.
The Nursery (and Reception Classes) are part of what is called The Early Years Foundation Stage of Learning (EYFS). Children in the EYFS follow a special Early Years curriculum.
We want our Nursery to be a happy place, where your child can feel safe and secure. For this reason, children will be allocated their own Key Worker. We will make it our responsibility, firstly to help your child settle into the Nursery, and then to give them on-going care until he or she moves on to a school Reception class.
Please keep checking back to the page throughout the 2024-2025 academic year to see what we have been up to.
Learning Through Play
In Nursery the children learn through playing, talking and doing. We provide well planned, carefully structured activities which provide enjoyable and fun experiences which help children to think, to increase their understanding and to improve their language skills.
Through their play, children are fully engaged in being curious, creative, exploring and investigating, experimenting, testing, finding solutions and making decisions.
Meet the Nursery Team
Mrs Tunstall
Mrs Gaughan
Mrs Ratchford
Miss Fletcher
Mrs Barlow
Mrs Endeacott
Mrs Smith