School Closure Information
It is VERY rare that we would ever need to close the school except in exceptional circumstances. The Covid-19 Pandemic has been one such period when there has been many school closure days as well as the NEU strike action. We very occasionally close the school because of snow and health and safety concerns. The school's Snow Policy can also be found by clicking in the link below:
Monday 13th January
I have carried out a risk assessment of the school grounds and sadly the car park and playground is still like an ice rink. We are going to have to keep the car park closed again today but we'll keep the registers open until 9.15am just to give people time to park and get into school. It is definitely warming up so if the ice softens Mr Todd and I will try and clear more of it so we can have a normal finish. I will keep you updated as the day goes on.
All children through the main doors again this morning apart from nursery. Normal school uniform this week please.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding.
Mrs Ryan