St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

Walking in Theresa's Little Way

British Values in Our School

British Values

We are totally committed to promoting British Values in our school and this is enshrined in our Mission Statement that states our pupils should grow up to play a vital role in the ever changing world in which they will live and have their being.  Our school has a proud tradition of welcoming children from other faiths and ethnic backgrounds and we see this as a great strength of the school.  To this end we have been awarded the Stephen Lawrence Educational Standard to Level 1 and Level 2; this award was made after external validation of our multi-cultural and multi-faith educational provision.  We believe this work embodies what it is to be British; to show tolerance, understanding and good social, moral and cultural understanding of all members of our local, national and global society of which we are all a vital part.  We believe that as a Catholic school we should do all of this in a Christ-centred and child-centred way thus developing pupils spiritual understanding too.

Below are two documents prepared by the school that outline the schools specific provision for SMSC and for promoting British Values.  Please click on the links for more information:

British values SMSC at St Theresa’s

British Values St Theresa’s Leeds


Prevent sits alongside long-established safeguarding duties on professionals to protect people from a range of other harms such as substance abuse, involvement in gangs and physical and sexual exploitation. 

Prevent is one part of the government's overall counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST. The aim of Prevent is to:

  • tackle the ideological causes of terrorism 
  • intervene early to support people susceptible to radicalisation 
  • enable people who have already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate

This training is for people working in sectors covered by the Prevent duty, such as: 

  • education
  • health
  • local authorities
  • police
  • criminal justice agencies (prisons, probation, youth justice)

Other sectors that are not covered by the Prevent duty may also complete this training.

All staff at school take part in the full Prevent training course. The most recent course was completed in Autumn 2023 and will be renewed every year following this. 

During the training, staff learn about:

  • the Prevent duty
  • different extremist ideologies that can lead to terrorism 
  • the risk around radicalisation and your supportive role
  • making a Prevent referral that is both informed and made with good intention
  • the interventions and support available

Please see the Government's guidance for further information about the Prevent duty here.