Welcome to our Staffing Section!
There are a lot of staff at St Theresa’s… almost 80 if you count them all. We all work hard as a team to provide the best possible education for the young people we serve. The senior staff structure is below and there are links on the tab above to many other staff who work in our school with young people.
Senior Leadership Team
We have a very experienced senior leadership team in our school who provide a steer to the school as well as helping to shape the vision for the school and drive standards forward.
Head Teacher: Mrs Jane Ryan
Our Head Teacher is Mrs Jane Ryan BA. (Hons). Mrs Ryan has taken over from Mr Hutchinson's following his retirement in August 2023. Mrs Ryan has taught at St Theresa's for over 25 years and is a very experienced senior leader and teacher. She is an Early Years and Key Stage 1 specialist but has vast experience of KS2 as well. She was previously our Deputy Head of Lower School (KSF/KS1) but was promoted to Deputy Headteacher of the whole school in September 2019. Mrs Ryan is very approachable and is extremely popular with all our stakeholders but most especially our staff and parents who will always turn to her for help and advice. She is also extremely popular with the children who just adore her. Mrs Ryan coordinates lots of our monitoring, evaluation and review work and with Mrs Dowd and the other senior leaders helps to drive standards forward to make St Theresa's the best school it can possibly be. She says, "I just love my job and it is the best job in the world! It is a pleasure and a privilege to serve this community which is why I have stayed so long. Our children are just fabulous and they bring such joy to us all. Every day is different and I have loved every minute here. My door is always open to everyone and I am always happy to help everyone in our community."
Deputy Head Teacher: Mrs Laura Dowd
Mrs Dowd joined our SLT in September 2022 after many successful years working at St Nicholas's CPS and St Francis CPS, Morley. Mrs Dowd is a very experienced primary practitioner and has specialism in leading Maths, Religious Education and the Curriculum. Mrs Dowd took on the interim role of Deputy Head Teacher for the academic year 2023-2024 to support Mrs Ryan in her new role as Headteacher. She has since been officially appointed as Deputy Head in 2024. She is taking a strong lead in KS2 and working closely with the staff in that area of school to maintain and improve standards of Quality First Teaching. She says, "I just love working at St Theresa's! It is such a caring and kind community. The children are amazing and I cannot wait to get my teeth into lots of projects where I start to a real difference to the lives of these young people."
Assistant Head Teacher: Ms Catherine Walker
Ms Walker will join St Theresa's in September 2024 as part of the teaching and learning team and the senior leadership team. She has been teaching since 2016, largely in the North East. However, she has decided to return to Leeds where her roots are. She is leaving her previous school, George Washington Primary, after many devoted years there, where she was a member of SLT for 5 years. She has largely taught in Year 6 but has experience in a range of different year groups. Ms Walker studied at Northumbria University after previously studying at Cardinal Heenan and Notre Dam in Leeds. Ms Walker is passionate about musical theatre and amateur dramatics. In fact, she was part of a musical theatre school for 15 years! She still has a keen interest in amateur dramatics, as well as being a member of a choir.
Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion and Safeguarding: Ms Karen Hulbert
Mrs Hulbert joins the team at St Theresa's having working at one of our sister schools for over 10 years since qualifying as a teacher following a career in industry and commerce. Ms Hulbert is an experienced SENDCo and Safeguarding Lead and we are absolutely delighted to be be welcoming her to our school community. We know how much she is looking forward to getting her established in our school and will add greatly to the traditions and reputation of our school as an inclusive school where all can thrive and prosper. Ms Hulbert will lead the schools' Inclusion Team as well as coordinate the provision for Special Educational Needs for our most vulnerable pupils.
Administration Staff
Our Administration Staff will work really hard to help with all kinds of enquiries from school dinners to admissions to general queries about school life. They will greet you with a smile and it would be great if you smiled back!
Mrs Childerson Business Manager for HR
Mrs Jackson BASC Administrator
Mrs Collins Lunchtime Admin
Mrs Hart BASC Admin
Teaching and Learning Staff from September 2024
Welcome to our Teaching and Learning Staff Page. Our teachers and support staff work as partners in the learning process. All our staff are deeply committed to the children in their care and work hard for them so that they can all achieve their full potential..
Nursery Staff
Mrs Tunstall
Mrs Fletcher
Mrs Smith
Mrs Rachford
Mrs Endecott
Mrs Barlow
Mrs Teahan
Foundation 2/Reception
Mrs Goodwin: Phonics Lead
Miss Nicholson
Miss Jones
Mrs Taylor
Ms Tunstall
Mrs Gaughan
Ms Galloway
Mrs Kelleher
Mrs Fletcher
Key Stage One Staff
Year One
Mrs Moore
Mrs Miller
Mrs Schmidt
Mrs Squire
Ms Caygill
Mrs Fletcher
Year Two
Miss Wordsworth
Mrs Acharya
Mrs Jeffreys
Mrs Fletcher
Mrs Todd
Miss Cunnane
Key Stage Two Staff
Year 3
Mrs Carrington
Miss Fisher
Mrs Langham
Mrs Pearce
Mrs Broadbelt
Mrs Hall
Mrs Todd
Year 4
Mrs Gammon McGee
Mr Bracchi
Mrs McNutt
Mrs Nuttall
Mrs Priestley
Mrs Puliokiene
Mrs Duree
Year 5
Mrs Cheung
Miss Walker
Mrs McNutt
Mrs B Speight
Miss King
Year 6
Miss Mulkeen
Mrs Wells
Mrs Winston
Mrs Taylor
Mrs Duree
Other Key Staff including SEND Staff
Mrs Speight (HLTA and Assistant Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Miss Rowland (Child and Family Support and Assistant Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Miss Bagshaw (Emotional Support and Well-Being Lead)
Mrs Crowley (PPA cover in Years 3, 4 and 5 this year)
Mr Rowley (Sports Coach)
Lunchtime Staff
Mrs Taylor: Lunchtime Lead
Mrs Kelleher: First Aider
Mrs Gaughan
Mrs Allanson
Mrs Senior
Mrs Greenfield
Mrs Winstanley
Mrs Celebi
Mrs Puliokiene
Mrs Barker
Mrs Duree
Mrs McInnes
Miss Caygill
Mrs Bowers
Premises Staff
Our premises staff work very hard to keep our school safe, clean and secure.
Mrs Allanson
Mrs Barker
Mrs Senior
Ms Yee Wah Tsui
Mrs Nguyen
Ms Zanetti
Mr Todd: Site Supervisor
Before and After School Club (BASC) Staff
We offer a full service of wrap around care in school and details of this can be found on the website here: BASC Details.
The BASVC staff work very hard with our young people to make their experience as valuable and enjoyable as possible.
Mrs Jackson: BASC Administrator
Mrs Hart: BASC Receptionist
Mrs Greenfield
Mrs Puliokiene
Mrs Langham
Mrs Bowers
Miss Caygill
Mrs Teahan
Mrs McInnes