St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

Walking in Theresa's Little Way

Child Protection and Safeguarding

Statutory Information: Child Protection Procedures

Child Protection and Safeguarding:

Changes in the law, notably the Children’s Act (1989), means that the staff in schools have a duty to report any concerns that a child may be suffering significant harm, particularly, as a result of abuse. It is a DfE requirement that the school nominates a senior member of staff who will have special responsibility for Child Protection. In Leeds schools this person is known as the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). The DSL and the Head Teacher receive professional training in this area, and staff will deal with all these matters in complete confidentiality.

The school’s DSL is: Miss Hulbert

The school’s Deputy DSLs are: Mrs Speight, Miss Rowland, Mrs Tunstall, Mrs Dowd and Mrs Ryan. 

They will deal with all Child Protection and Safeguarding Issues.

Mrs Tasker is the Designated Safeguarding Governor with specific responsibility for Child Protection and Safeguarding. 

The school has a legal responsibility to collate basic information including who has parental responsibility for a child, and to pass on this information to the relevant agencies if requested. In the event of an investigation into a possible case of child abuse, the school has a legal duty to cooperate with the investigating authorities to the best of its ability to promote the child’s welfare. Whilst the school will always attempt to work in partnership with parents, and try to ensure that parents are fully informed of, and participate in, any action concerning their child, if there is a conflict of interest; the welfare of the child must be the paramount consideration.

ALL staff who work in school receive safeguarding and child protection training at least annually and every three years this is refreshed by LCC advisers.  The HT and DSLs attend specific 3-day training as well.

Staff also receive annual training on Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) and they all sign to say that they have read this and taken note of the changes and its content.




Keeping myself safe week:

The children completed a range of tasks throughout the week, which was introduced by an assembly by Miss Hulbert. The school will continue to do this each year, as it always has. 



This policy statements for Child Protection and Safeguarding are published here for your consideration:

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Keeping children safe in education

Safer Recruitment Policy

Policy for Attendance Monitoring

St Theresa’s Accessibility Plan

Anti-Bullying Statement for Parents and Carers

Further information 

St Theresa’s School and its Governors are fully committed to safeguarding its pupils and vulnerable adults. The school follows closely the Children Leeds policy and practice for recruitment and the Health and Safety of all its pupils and staff. All those who work in school are expected to follow all relevant guidelines including the LA’s safer working practice guidelines printed below:

Safer Working Practice in LCC Schools

As part of our safeguarding role in school, we have a duty of care to ensure that our children and young people remain safe in school and at home.  In this regard we follow the Government’s guidance on Domestic Violence and different forms of abusive behaviour in the home that our children might be witness to. It also includes information about the Prevent strategy and how to combat against that.  Please refer to the websites below: 

We are committed to helping all our families especially when things go wrong at home for whatever reason. Our main aim is the protection and safeguarding of our children and young people:

This letter was sent out to parents (originally in July 2016 but it remains relevant) to highlight the focus that we now have as a school on DV and protecting both the children and the adults involved in this form of physical and coercive abuse.

Domestic Violence project letter to parents/carers


Keeping children safe in vehicles 

Please see the following link to a website with information about safeguarding your child in your car: 

Other price comparison sites exist and St Theresa's does not promote one over another... this is here to help protect your children whilst travelling to and from school.